
Chen Guodong, Chairman of China Natural Resources Writers Association, Delivered a Lecture at China University of Geosciences

April 7, 2023


 (Reported by Ning Zezheng and Kuang Yicheng; phtoto by Wang Junfang) On March 28, at the invitation of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee and the School of Arts and Communication, researcher Chen Guodong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, chairman of the China Natural Resources Writers Association and former president of the China Land and Resources News, delivered a lecture at this university on the work of news and public opinion in the new era.


The title of his lecture was “The Timing, Extent and Efficiency of News and Public Opinion Work - Also on the Works of the 31st and 32nd China New Awards”. In the lecture, he explained the function of news and public opinion work, the concept of communication in the era of integrated media, and the timing extent and efficiency of news and public opinion. He pointed out that along with the continuous integration of traditional media and new media, the current news and public opinion work is facing various opportunities and challenges. Based on his own experience in journalism, he believes that “information follows people and revolves around them” is the current wind vane that media communication should grasp. He also emphasized the vital importance of content production in integrated media communication. He said that news and public opinion work should keep up with the times, enhance the understanding of the laws of the Internet, grasp the timing of news dissemination, and have forethought in communication effects. At the end of the lecture, Chen Guodong interacted and exchanged ideas with teachers and students. He hoped that students who love journalism and communication should do more research and in-depth interviews, and be diligent in thinking and writing. Only in this way can they produce high-quality works.




In the summary of the lecture, Professor Zhang Meizhen, deputy dean of the School of Arts and Communication, believed that inviting experts with rich experience in the field to give lectures on journalism business could enhance the awareness of news promotion among teachers and students, expand their vision of news promotion and strengthen their news promotion abilities.

It is reported that Chen Guodong has worked in the geological and news fronts for a long time, and has rich experience in news communication and reportage writing, with fruitful results. His works have been published in People’s Literature, Chinese Writers, China Immigration Management News, China Water Resources News, China Mining News, and other newspapers and periodicals. (Reviewed by Chen Huawen)